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Earth Island Institute
2150 Allston Way, Suite 460
Berkeley, California 94704

Please write Wild Heritage in the memo line.

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There's still time...if we act now!

Primary forests are critically important to saving biodiversity and fighting climate change, and are very often the homelands of Indigenous peoples around the world, yet we continue to lose irreplaceable primary forests at very high rates. But saving primary forests is achievable. We can and should greatly increase the amount of climate change funding available for primary forest protection and for ecological restoration of degraded forests. We should also stop subsidizing forest destruction via trillions of dollars in subsidies for extractive industries and agriculture and redirect those subsidies to protected areas, Indigenous peoples and local communities. Wild Heritage is working to enable this change. It’s not too late. We can still opt for a safe, healthy and harmonious planet. But we must act now.

Black Lives Matter. Read our statement.

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