Fire and Restoration Publications:
- Accommodating mixed-severity fire in the Sierra Nevada
- Throwing more money at logging and suppression won’t solve the fire problem
- Logging, not wildfire, is most likely driving spotted owl declines
- Forest Management, Barred Owls, and Wildfire in Northern Spotted Owl Territories
- Not much carbon is emitted from large trees killed by wildfires in California’s largest forest fires
- Huge Forest Fires Don’t Cause Living Trees to Release Much Carbon
- Wildfire and community safety
- How to Reduce Conditions for Megafires in the West
- Logging Makes Homes and forests More Vulnerable
- Carbon Still in Trees Despite Big Forest Fires
- Backcountry thinning projects do not protect homes or forests
- What I’ve Learned as a Talent Resident a year after Almeda
- Climate Scientists and Fire Officials Reflect on the Almeda Fire
Articles on re-wilding the American West:
- Rewilding the American West
- Ecologists Want Wolves and Beavers to Rewild the West
- Scientists Release Plan to Rewild the American West
- More Wolves and Beavers Needed for Improving Western United States Habitats
- Scientists propose ambitious West-wide rewilding plan involving wolves, beaver
- Scientists Issue Plan for Rewilding the West with Gray Wolf and North American Beaver
Articles for living safely with fire without having to log the forests:
- Have western USA fire suppression and megafire active management approaches become a contemporary Sisyphus?
- Light My Fire?
- How to Reduce Conditions for Megafires in the West
- Huge Forest Fires Don’t Cause Living Trees to Release Much Carbon
- Logging Makes Homes and forests More Vulnerable
- Carbon Still in Trees Despite Big Forest Fires
- Chief Scientist and singer/song writer Carole King testify on wildfire in the US Congress
- House Hearing on Wildfire Management
- Carole King and Others Testify on Forest Management