Watch the inspiring story of how a community stopped a timber sale along the Elwha River—against all…
A University of Leeds study warns that up to two-thirds of the world’s temperate rainforests could disappear…
Read our latest publication on Mature, Old-growth Forests.
Read about climate-responsible forestry as Wild Heritage’s Chief Scientist, Dominick A. DellaSala discusses how to decarbonize forestry by protecting MOG and primary forests in Northstar’s Climate Rescue Plan.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its first of three reports from its latest assessment (6th Assessment Report) on the state of the climate change crisis. The findings are very disturbing.
Hear a recorded press conference on the importance of the Tongass rainforests, older forests, and large trees nationwide for climate mitigation.
The Biden administration is thankfully re-entering the Paris Climate Agreement and will announce its climate commitments at the end of this month. Wild Heritage is providing preliminary analyses of the carbon and climate importance of the Tongass and older forests and large trees nationwide.